viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015


Figures Of Speech  

A figure of speech is a figurative language in the form of a single word or phrase. It can be a special repetition, arrangement or omission of words with literal meaning, or phrase wit a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words. There are different types of figures of speech such as:  

1.  Simile: Is a figure of speech in which a comparison is made between unlike or dissimilar objects using the words like or as. 

2. Metaphor: Is a figure of speech in which comparison is drawn 
between two dissimilar or unlike things without the use of like or as. 

3. Personification: Is a figure of speech in which animals, ideas, or objects are given human characteristics or form. 

4.Hyperbole: Is a figure of speech in which an exaggeration or overstatement is made to illustrate a point. 

5. Alliteration: Is a figure of speech in which a number of words, having the same first consonant sound, occur close together in a series.

The book Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury is a book that has different examples of figures of  speech such as simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and alliteration some of them are:  

  • "The people who had been sitting a moment before, tapping their feet to the rhythm of Denham´s Dentifrice, Denham´s Dandy Dental Detergent, Denham´s Dentifrice Dentifrice Dentrifice, one two, one two three, one two, one two, one two three." (page 75)   This sentence taking from the book Fahrenheit 451 is a figure of speech call Alliteration because it has a repetition of beginning sounds. For me this sentence is confusing because it has a lot of repetition of the same word which confuse me while I´m reading the book.  
  • "The train radio vomited upon Montag, in retaliation, a great ton load of music made of tin, copper, silver, chromium, and brass" This is a personification  because the author is giving human qualities to a non-living things or ideas in this case  a radio is given human characteristic of being able to throw up and get revenge.  
  • "The salamander devours his tail." (page 82) This is an irony because the sentence is using words where the meaning is the opposite of their usual meaning in this case Ray Bradbury is using the word salamander which represent the symbol of a firemen through all the story. 
  • "There sat Beatty, perspiring gently, the floor littered with swarms of black moths that had died in a single storm" (page 73). This is a metaphor because the author is comparing between two unlike things in this case he is comparing the burnt pages of a book to a swarm of black moths. 
  • "Montag, reached inside the parlor wall and pulled the main switch. The images drained away, as if the water had been let from a gigantic crystal bowl of hysterical fish" (page 90). This is a simile  because the author is making a comparison between two unlike things in this case he compared the way images from the Tv disappear with the way water filled with crazy fish would drain if it was to be poured out.  

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Themes,symbols and Motifs


A motif is a recurring image, word, phrase, or action  that tend to create unity within a  literary work.


Symbolism is the practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships.

A symbol have more than one meaning such as:

  • Personal: That has a meaning  uniquely associated wit our experiences. 
  • Contextual: That has a private meaning  created by an author.  
  • Cultural: That has a meaning uniquely influenced by a culture.  
  • Universal: A meaning that is given to a thing by most people and cultures.

A theme is the main ideo or message of a literary work. It has a significant statement a story  is making about society, human nature, or the human condition. 

A theme will never completely explain the story, but rather supports all of the other elements in the story.

There are two different types of themes:

  • Stated Theme: that expressed directly 
  • Implied Theme: that reveled gradually through other literary elements such as plot, character, setting, point of view, imagery, figures of speech, or symbolism. 


The difference... between a motif and a theme 

  • A motif differs from a theme in that in a motif can be expressed as a single word or fragmentary phrase, while a theme usually most be expressed as a complete sentence. 

A similarity... between motif and theme. 

  • Sometimes the motif helps to create a theme in literature.  

1. Symbol:

Burning Books 

  1. Audience/purpose: Society, especially for people who like to read and also for people that like to enrich their knowledge also the symbol may reach the governors of different nations to encourage policies that promote individual thought.  
  2. Content/theme: In this image we can see how the different books are burning. 
  3. Tone/mood:  People who associated the burning books with sadness, they can feel identified with what they were reading.
  4. Stylistic Devices: The symbols are perfect to understand what the author is trying to tell the readers, the author can express herself  in a different way the readers don't understand but through the symbols readers can have a lot of different  perspective of what is happening.  
  5. Structure: The books are constructed by paper, inspiration, imagination, knowledge, Ignorance and more...  books are accompanied by fire, thats why they represent burning books. 

2. Theme: 
Knowledge vs Ignorance.

1.  Audience/ purpose: The audience for this theme is people who is destroying knowledge and promoting ignorance in the society.
2. Content/theme: It represent the resultant search for knowledge destroying unquestioning ignorance everyone else used to share, and also the battles the basic beliefs of the society.
3.Tone/mood: The tone of the theme knowledge vs Ignorance is good at the point the author is telling the readers the true that all the world is passing through there are different tension between knowledge and ignorance the knowledge promote ignorance in order to equalize the population.
4. Stylistic devices: The theme makes that the people aware more in what is happening now in the world through two important words that are knowledge and Ignorance. He is using a perfect language to convince people about it.
5. Structure: This theme is constructed of two words that are represent in the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.